Dyslexic individuals have unique neurodivergent strengths and needs. More dyslexics can reach their potential when they are adequately supported. My coaching differentiates between individual and organizational areas.

For Organizations: You support and empower your dyslexic employees to reach their full potential and contribution within your organization. You are in HR, D&I, C-Suite or any other part of the organization looking after the wellbeing and performance of your people. 

I invite you to read my published article about Coaching Dyslexic People in the Modern Workforce here [LinkedIn].


For individuals: Are you dyslexic and why does it matter? We can screen for this and quickly assess if you are. There is wide variety in dyslexia. For some dyslexia is barely perceived in a person’s life. Another person’s dyslexia may be much more pronounced and create real impediments in daily functioning. One example is reading and understanding text, to get something important done. Another example is writing comprehensible text on an application form or as part of a presentation or article.

The focus on my coaching is to enable coachees to evolve their skillsets, resources and frames of mind. My coaching empowers you, gives you options and puts you in more control of your present and your future. This can include working on changing a mindset and creating useful habits and behaviors that benefit you. We use technology wherever it helps and provides you with advantages to cope and to thrive. I help you to find useful mental frameworks to see and deal with practical challenges and problems you encounter.

What does this look like? Here are two examples from my coaching practice.

1) You are seeking a new job and are unsure how to present yourself in light of your dyslexic strengths and challenges. You wonder how much to expose, how much accommodation to seek and how open you can be. We work on creating the right mix and obtaining what you want and deserve. 

2) You are experiencing a tough time at school and with a part time job. Your daily experiences make you doubt in yourself. You want to feel better and create positive outcomes for yourself. We work together to create this reality for you by accessing diverse resources.


My dyslexic credentials: I am dyslexic, as is my wife. For most of our lives we were not aware of our differences in learning and the unique strategies we developed to cope. Being able to identify our dyslexia was an empowering experience for us. Our family is a training ground of lived dyslexia across three generations (Alpha, Xennials and Baby Boomer).


For my dyslexic coaching practice, I bring to bear my experience combined with my training as a certified coach, intercultural and business trainer and D&I practitioner. I have gone through training to identify and support dyslexics in academia. I am also a member of international, national, regional and local dyslexic support organizations.

I am highly motivated to support dyslexics on their journeys to build greater fulfillment and satisfaction in their lives. I look forward to our conversations, getting to know you and building trust and results with you.

Take a first step. An initial consultation is at no cost and about getting to know each other, understanding circumstances, objectives and building trust. Contact Thomas Imfeld at imt@bullseyeinternational.ch or call +49 651 463 10822.